Get Briefed.
Information you need to make yourself heard.

Issues Briefing is over, but the valuable resources remain here for all to use. Take a look—be informed and prepared so you can advocate for change in your community and state. 

Saturday, March 5

9:00 - 10:30 am
How to make your voice heard

What do legislators pay attention to? Speakers will provide suggestions for how to advocate and lobby effectively with legislators, how to work in our local communities to influence statewide legislation, and how to communicate “across the aisle” with legislators of both parties.

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.


10:30-11:45 am
How to combat election misinformation

Today’s information landscape is the most complex in human history, and the need for news literacy has never been greater. A free society cannot function without a well-informed public and a vigorous, independent free press. Peter Adams will share tips to help people in our communities become more news literate so that they can separate fact from fiction.

Click below to learn more about the featured speaker.


12:00-1:15 pm
Making plans to anticipate and minimize disruptions at Public events

Throughout the country, conversations focused on sensitive topics have made public meetings flashpoints for aggressive backlash, including intimidating behaviors against presenters and meeting hosts. This session will describe best practices for anticipating potential problems and easy-to-follow steps for defusing tension while protecting public debate and safety at candidate forums, public presentations, and other public events.

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.


Monday, March 7


12:00-1:15 PM
Illinois Voter Guide:
The Equitable Voter Guide

We can all help increase voter turnout using the Illinois Voter Guide. Learn how to inform your personal networks and empower people to use their voices at the ballot box. From ballot basics to candidate information and candidate forums, the nonpartisan Illinois Voter Guide is a one-stop online tool for election information on races throughout the entire state. Help register, educate, and activate voters to the polls!

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.


5:30-6:45 pm
Culturally Relevant Instruction: The Freedom to Learn and Teach About Diversity in America

Between January and September 2021, 24 legislatures across the United States introduced 54 separate bills intended to restrict teaching and training about race, racism, gender, and American history. Educational leaders and school Boards in Illinois are experiencing tremendous pressure to ban culturally relevant instruction. What is happening, and what legislation is being proposed in Illinois?

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.

Tuesday, March 8


12:00-1:15 PM
How Can People with arrest or criminal records ever become fully free?

In Illinois, 3.3 million adults have been arrested or convicted or a crime since 1979. Learn what is being done to dismantle the laws and regulations that impose permanent punishments, serving as barriers that deny or restrict rights and opportunities for people with a record.

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.


5:30-6:45 pm
Regulating Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

If Illinois were a nation, it would be the tenth largest nuclear power in the world. There are ten reactors closer to Chicago than Chornobyl is to Kyiv, Ukraine. What happens to the spent fuel? Nuclear engineers from the LWV of New Mexico will share their research supporting the LWV of New Mexico request for concurrence with a Nuclear Waste Disposal Position at the LWVUS national convention in June. Douglas Ower will present concerns of Illinoisans living in a community with a closed nuclear plant.

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.

Wednesday, March 9


12:00 - 1:15 pm
Ranked Choice Voting: Prospects and Barriers for Implementation in Illinois

State Senator Laura Murphy is one of the strongest supporters of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in Illinois. Currently, she is the lead sponsor of SB 1785, which would require ranked choice voting for state offices. The Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center has assessed the readiness of voting machines in Illinois for RCV.

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.


Dialing 988 for Crisis Help IN ILLINOIS: Challenges and Opportunities

People in Illinois who are in mental health crisis, or those trying to help them, will be able to dial 988 to call for help. With pandemic-related mental health crisis calls on the rise, this new system is needed now more than ever. However, implementing the system is easier said than done.

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.

Thursday, March 10


12:00 - 1:15 pm
Immigration issues at the federal and state level

What is happening in the fight for full and equal participation for immigrants in our diverse society? A look at federal action and recent state laws regarding immigration detention, health care access, and other issues, as well as areas that advocates are exploring for future work.

Click below to learn more about the featured speaker.


5:30-6:45 pm
January 6 and The Electoral College: Why Abolishment is Critical to Preserving Our Democracy

The electoral college system is a relic from the 18th century that was a last-minute compromise. It has evolved in unexpected ways, and includes loopholes that allow for manipulation of the popular vote. Learn why it should be abolished in favor of a system that counts all the votes in one total result.

Click below to learn more about the featured speakers.

Friday, March 11


12:00-1:15 pm
Confronting Gun Violence in Illinois: What You Need to Know

Illinois far and away led the country in gun sales last year. What legislation is being proposed to protect our citizens, including children? This session will provide data, facts, and trends on how we find ourselves living with the proliferation of firearms as well as a discussion of current issues and actions we can take to change course.

Click below to learn more about the featured speaker.


Saturday, March 5 - Plenary Sessions
9 am - How to Make Your Voice Heard
10:30 am - How to Combat Election Misinformation
12:00 pm - Making Plans to Anticipate and Minimize Disruptions at Public Events

Monday, March 7
12:00 pm - Illinois Voter Guide: The Equitable Voter Guide
5:30 pm - Culturally Relevant Instruction: The Freedom to Learn and Teach About Diversity in America

Tuesday, March 8
12:00 pm - How Can People With Arrest or Criminal Records Ever Become Fully Free?
5:30 pm - Regulating Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Wednesday, March 9
12:00 pm - Ranked Choice Voting: Prospects and Barriers for Implementation in Illinois
5:30 pm - Dialing 988 for Crisis Help: Challenges and Opportunities

Thursday, March 10
12:00 pm - Immigration Issues at the Federal and State Level
5:30 pm - January 6 and the Electoral College: Why Abolishment is Critical to Preserving Our Democracy

Friday, March 11
12:00 pm - Confronting Gun Violence in Illinois: What You Need to Know