LWVIL Issue Specialists keep track of news and legislation in their issue areas. We place emphasis on areas of the legislative agenda that align with the League’s identified priorities.

What’s Happening Right Now:
bills LWVIL is watching in the Illinois General Assembly

Scroll through the list of current legislation below. Click on any bill for details such as a summary, sponsors and latest action.

The list can take a moment to load. If it does not appear on your screen, please refresh the page.

The status of all bills, resolutions, and public acts can be found at www.ilga.gov

Sign up to get our Action Alerts on your phone!

Use the League in Action app to take action on issues impacting Illinois communities—here’s how to sign up:

  1. Download the app on your cell phone

  2. Sign in with your Google or Facebook account, or create an account with your email

  3. Search for the League of Women Voters Illinois on the app and click the Join button

  4. Scroll through the feed to see all of the ways you can support LWV's efforts

How can I take Action?

Legislators like to hear from their constituents—just a few contacts can change a vote. Contact your legislator by phone or email. Let them know who you are, where you live, what bill you would like them to support or oppose, and why. 

Once you have taken action, spread the word! Share an LWVIL action alert via your social media accounts and personal networks to encourage more people to speak out.

Learn More

To contact our Issues & Advocacy Committee, please email issues@lwvil.org.

A major part of our mission is to influence public policy through education and advocacy. Through study and member agreement, we have developed positions on a wide range of issues, from government structure to natural resources to social policy.