
Fair Vote Illinois

Rank the Vote NYC/Common Cause NY releases Edison Research Exit Poll on the Election

Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center website

Presentation Slides, RCV Resource Center

State Assessments for RCV (interactive map on RCVRC website; click for your state’s overview, assessment, RCV Maps FAQ and How We Score States guide)

Illinois RCV Assessment

Ranked Choice Voting Bill - SB1785 - in the Illinois General Assembly

Track SB1785 (Note: Amendment 1 would add the offices of: Supreme Court Justices, Appellate Court Judges, Circuit Court Judges, U.S. Representatives, U.S. Senator, and President of the United States, and still includes the offices of members of the General Assembly and all Constitutional Executive Branch Officers.)

Senate Majority Staff Bill Analysis SB1785

Presentation Slides, Senator Laura Murphy

Verified Voting, The Verifier data for Illinois 2022

Video describing RCV (4 minutes)

LWVIL webinar with Rob Richie, President and CEO of Fair Vote Illinois 

Guest UserMarch 9 Noon