If you’d like to meet people in your community and get involved in voter service work, local programming, or advocacy, then we invite you to become a member of one of the 44 local Leagues that make up the League of Women Voters of Illinois! All who join the League gain access to in-depth resources, communications and action alerts, and become part of an organization with national, state, and local connections and interests in a wide variety of public policy initiatives.

League membership is open to all genders, 16 years of age or older. League membership provides the opportunity to be actively involved in local, state and national issues.


Who joins the League?

  • Voters who want to make government more responsive and accessible

  • People who want to influence policies that affect their community, state, and nation

  • Motivated individuals interested in developing their skills in leadership, conflict resolution, lobbying, and public speaking

  • Thinkers looking for a lively discussion of issues

  • Newcomers and long-time residents who want to find out about the hot issues in their community

  • Committed individuals who want to work together to improve the quality of life in their world

Why should I join?

  • To participate in local, state, and national advocacy

  • To receive invitations to LWVIL events including panel discussions, forums, lobby days and much more!

  • To stay in the loop with League communications including Time For Action (TFA) advocacy alerts, updates on important state issues, etc.

  • To have the opportunity to serve as a delegate (voting member) at our biennial convention to shape League of Women Voters of Illinois program priorities, biannual budget, and Board initiatives

  • To support the work of LWVIL and LWVUS


What is the time commitment?

​It's up to you! Your membership alone gives us the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and be a force for change. We cover a broad spectrum of issues and concerns; you may choose to become involved in one or more of them by actively participating in a committee, issues and advocacy, group study, or listening to a panel of experts at a meeting or just reading about them in one of our publications.

Sign me up!

Membership is open to all genders age 16 and older. Most League activities are arranged by local Leagues; membership in a local League includes membership in the state and national leagues. There are three types of local League membership:

  1. Individual Membership is an annual membership for one person .

  2. Household Membership is an annual membership for two people who share the same address.

  3. Student Membership is an annual membership for one person currently enrolled as a full time student.

Check the directory of local Leagues to find a local League near you. If there is no local League in your area, you may join as a Member Around State (MAS) of the League of Women Voters of Illinois.