Jim McGrath


Jim McGrath has an engineering degree from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana and a master’s of management degree from Kellogg Northwestern. When the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary happened on December 14, 2012, he decided he had to do something about this for the kids. He eventually joined Moms Demand Action in Vernon Hills but wondered why his village of Barrington didn’t have a Moms chapter. Then when the shooting at Parkland happened on February 14, 2018, some residents from his village of Barrington stepped forward. Jim helped organize them into the Barrington Area Moms Demand Action (BAMDA) chapter with which he is active. He joined NWSOFA Gun Violence Group in 2017. When NWSOFA was looking to start the “NWSOFA Restore Our Democracy” group, he agreed to co-chair educating on money in politics and vote by mail. He joined the LWV Palatine Area in 2018 and became the GVP Issues Specialist for LWVIL in 2019. He is a precinct captain, a member of the IL06 District Steering Committee, a Cook County election judge, and attends the DuPage NAACP monthly meetings, a board member of the Palatine Democrats and NWSOFA. Jim is also active with the Indivisible Illinois Voter Education group and is coordinating a monthly meeting with the Indivisible Illinois Social Justice Alliance (IISJA) on the disinformation conspiracies targeting school boards. He has been married to Jackie for 51 years, is the father of 2 adult children and grandfather to 5 and resides in Barrington, IL. In his spare time, he gardens and attends as many of his grand-kids baseball, softball, and flag football games as he can.

Guest UserMarch 11 Noon