It’s time for Illinois to fund public defenders across the state! Take a minute to submit a witness slip supporting the FAIR Act.
Read MoreJoin the League in peaceful protest on March 4 as communities across Illinois come together in reflection, action, and solidarity during the president’s address to Congress.
Read MoreJust over one month into the current Administration, the President has issued a series of executive orders and directed actions that violate the law and Congress’ power. Congress must act now to restore the stability of our nation before it’s too late.
Read MoreAmericans do not need MORE obstacles to vote. The SAVE Act would create one more barrier to the voting process, as many eligible voters do not have easy access to the necessary documents. Tell your members of Congress to oppose the SAVE Act.
Read More101 years ago, the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced in the US Congress. 101 years is long enough! LWVIL members traveled to join a rally in Washington DC calling for President Biden to publish the ERA.
Read MoreThe League of Women Voters of Illinois is sponsoring a bus to Washington DC so we can show support at a rally for the Equal Rights Amendment—sign up join us on the road!
Read MoreIn the United States, women are still not guaranteed equal rights. With just months left in office, we are urging President Biden to act to ensure that the Equal Rights Amendment is published.
Read MoreThe Mahomet Aquifer is the sole source aquifer for nearly one million people in Central Illinois — and it is currently at risk. Tell your state senator and state representative to protect Illinoisans’ drinking water by passing SB3968/HB5874.
Read MoreCongress must act to ensure that every eligible US citizen has the freedom to vote unimpeded by discriminatory rules rooted in fear and division. Urge your members of Congress to oppose the SAVE Act.
Read MoreWetlands keep our water clean and help fight climate change. Protect Illinois wetlands! Contact your state legislators.
Read MoreHB4895 requires that every Illinois public high school include a unit of instruction addressing climate change in either a required science class or a required social studies class.
Read MoreIt’s time to rally support for banning single-use plastics in Illinois! Ask your state representative and state senator to co-sponsor bills that will ban polystyrene foam foodware and single-use plastic bags.
Read MoreDespite advancements in mental health and substance use parity, discriminatory private insurance practices continue—restricting access to treatment. HB4475 discourages discriminatory private insurance practices.
Read MoreSupport community-based mental health services! HB4665 creates a fund to support community behavioral health providers to hire and retain professional staff.
Read MoreCO2 pipelines have been proposed in 23 Illinois counties, and they pose a safety risk to residents. HB4835, the Safety Moratorium on Carbon Dioxide Pipelines Act, temporarily stops CO2 pipelines and allows Illinois the time it needs to develop regulations that will protect its residents.
Read MoreProtect domestic violence survivors! Karina’s Bill would authorize judges to issue search warrants with orders of protection to remove guns from the hands of abusers.
Read MoreHelp prevent corruption in Illinois government! HB4591 would require more transparency for the financial dealings of lobbyists and strengthen enforcement of ethical lobbying practices.
Read MoreWetlands keep our water clean and help fight climate change. Protect Illinois wetlands! Take a minute to submit a witness slip supporting SB3669.
Read MoreAsk your state rep and senator to to vote YES on bills that will ban polystyrene foam foodware and plastic bags. These threats to our environment have no place in 2024.
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