Take Action: Protect Voting Access


Urge Your Members of Congress to Oppose the SAVE Act

The House and Senate introduced the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act last month that would require citizenship documentation to register to vote, despite the fact that voters in every state are already required to affirm or verify their citizenship status when registering to vote.

It is already illegal for non-citizens to register and vote in federal or state elections. Additionally, we have processes for secure elections and to ensure that only eligible voters are casting ballots. State election officials have systems to verify an individual’s voter eligibility and ensure voter rolls are accurate. 

The new bill’s requirement of a document to prove American citizenship to register to vote in federal elections is unnecessary and seeks to divide us. Further, it creates one more barrier to the voting process.

Americans do not need MORE obstacles to vote. Instead of moving this legislation forward, Congress should protect voters in this critical election year by strengthening protections against discrimination in voting and expanding access to the ballot. Legislation like the SAVE Act is another in a long list of tactics, like strict voter photo ID requirements and limitations on voter assistance in languages other than English, which seek to make it more difficult for voters of color and naturalized citizens to register to vote.

Congress must act to ensure that every eligible US citizen has the freedom to vote unimpeded by discriminatory rules rooted in fear and division. 

This action alert is brought to you by the League of Women Voters of the United States.