Welcome to the LWVIL Convention Center
It’s convention time! LWVIL gathers virtually in June for our 61st biennium Convention—where we will determine the focus of our power, making decisions that affect our mission work at the grassroots level and maximize our impact throughout the state.
The Convention Center is your resource for the most up-to-date information about Convention 2023.
Questions? Contact Convention Team 2023 at convention23@lwvil.org
Special Delegate Events
DC Statehood
Tuesday, June 6
Watch the event recording.
Anchorage Youth Vote
Thursday, June 8
Watch the event recording.
Convention Connections
Friday, June 9
Guest Speaker
Dianna Wynn
LWVUS Board of Directors
Framing the Future of the League in Our Democracy
Plenary, Saturday, June 10
Per LWVIL bylaws, the number of delegates any local League may send to convention is proportional to the number of members that League had listed in LWVUS Roster on January 31, 2023. LWVIL delegate counts 2023
Delegate registration closed Thursday, May 25 at 11:59 pm. If you have questions, please email convention23@lwvil.org.
Members who are unable to serve as delegates are encouraged to attend as Observers. Observers will receive links to view the livestream of all Convention Q&A and Plenary sessions.
Observer registration closed Thursday, June 1 at 11:59 pm. If you have questions, please email convention23@lwvil.org.
The Convention center is your resource for convention 2023
Questions? convention23@lwvil.org