Clean Water
League Position
The League supports water resource programs and policies that reflect the interrelationships of water quality, water quantity, groundwater, and surface water and that address the potential depletion or pollution of water supplies.
We support stringent controls to protect the quality of current and potential drinking-water supplies, including protection of watersheds for surface supplies and of recharge areas for groundwater, as well as measures to protect lakes, estuaries, wetlands, and in-stream flows.
Over the last few months, the League spoke out on the Equal Rights Amendment, clean water, criminal justice, and more.
The Mahomet Aquifer is the sole source aquifer for nearly one million people in Central Illinois — and it is currently at risk. Tell your state senator and state representative to protect Illinoisans’ drinking water by passing SB3968/HB5874.
This summer, the League spoke out on clean energy, tax filing, reproductive rights and more.
Wetlands keep our water clean and help fight climate change. Protect Illinois wetlands! Contact your state legislators.
Over the last few months, the League spoke out on environmental protection, mental health, gun violence prevention, and more.
Wetlands are one of Illinois' greatest natural assets—we must take action to protect them! Watch this LWVIL webinar to learn more about how you can support the Wetlands Protection Act.
This Earth Month, we encourage you to learn more about environmental threats facing our communities. Check out these four easy ways to engage with League resources and take action for the planet all month long.
Wetlands keep our water clean and help fight climate change. Protect Illinois wetlands! Take a minute to submit a witness slip supporting SB3669.
Last month, the League spoke out on environmental protection, criminal justice, and government transparency, and more.
Last month, the League spoke out on mental health, gun violence prevention, criminal justice, conservation, and more.
Representing 3600 members across the state, the League teams up with other organizations so that all of our voices are amplified. Here’s what we signed onto last month.
Ask your state senator to vote YES in support of HB4093, which requires potential polluters to hold public meetings prior to applying for a permit to operate in an Environmental Justice Community.
Issue Specialist
Sarah Bury
Inter-League Organizations
The Illinois League is a member of LWV Lake Michigan Region and LWV Upper Mississippi River Region, two ILOs that focus on water issues.
Coalition Partners
Illinois Climate Table