League Position
The League believes that immigration policies should promote reunification of immediate families; meet the economic, business and employment needs of the United States; and be responsive to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises.
Our State IMMIGRATION Policy Positions
The State of Illinois should promote local community efforts to provide orientation and counseling services for immigrants, regardless of documentation status.
The State of Illinois should promote and fund educational programs and materials that seek to inform all workers, including documented and undocumented immigrants, of their rights in the workplace.
The State of Illinois should provide "driving certificates" or some other form of proof of driving validation to undocumented drivers, allowing those drivers to drive legally and ensuring that they would have passed a state driving test. The State of Illinois should permit and encourage auto insurance providers to issue insurance coverage to holders of such driving certificates.
We oppose the deputization of state and local police to enforce immigration laws in Illinois.
We oppose legislation or ordinances at the state and local level that would penalize landlords for renting to undocumented immigrants.
We oppose legislation or ordinances at the state and local level that would prohibit the issuance of business permits to undocumented immigrants.
We do not support extending the right to vote to undocumented immigrants.
Issue Specialist
Kim Reed
Coalition Partners
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Immigration Rights in Illinois
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