League on Immigration Policy


While immigration is a matter for the federal government to fund and administer, it is hard to ignore the growing problem that poorly-conceived and poorly-implemented federal immigration policy has had across the country, including here in Illinois. 

Chicago especially is facing a crisis as it works to shelter over 9,000 immigrants and tries to find a solution that addresses accommodations for an additional 2,000 still awaiting placement. You may have seen pictures of some of the 1,700 people using police stations as temporary residence, an untenable situation for both new immigrant families and the community at large.

LWV of Illinois supports state and local community efforts to provide orientation and counseling services for immigrants, but an influx of some 15,000 immigrants to the area since 2022 has left such services largely unfunded, along with food, housing and healthcare services. 

LWV of the U.S. favors responsiveness to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises, a profile that recent asylum seekers surely fit. And because LWVUS also promotes immigration policy that is consistent with support of business and employment needs, recent efforts by our state officials to request immediate action regarding work permits for immigrants is a step in the right direction.

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