Take Action: Sunset Invest in Kids


Public Funds for Public Schools

Action Required

Tell your state representative to vote NO on HB4194, a proposed amendment that extends the Invest in Kids private school voucher program. The flaws in the current program are still present in this bill.

Also call Governor Pritzker (217-782-6830) and tell him you oppose any legislation that revives or funds Invest in Kids.

Constituent contact makes a difference! Make calls and send emails no later than November 7, the first day of the final fall veto session in Springfield.

Find your legislators.


The Invest in Kids school voucher program diverts millions from public education and sends public dollars to unaccountable, untransparent private schools, while over 80% of our public schools in Illinois are underfunded.

The Invest in Kids Act, passed in 2017, contains a sunset date of January 2025. The fall veto session is the last opportunity for the Illinois legislature to preserve this program. HB4194 was filed on October 24 as a “compromise” to gather support for an extension of the program. 

The current program allows a 75% tax credit, while the “compromise” allows a 100% tax credit for the first $5000 of donations, and 55% or 65% for the remainder, making the tax credit even more generous for many donors. It also adds a federal tax deduction on top of the state credit. 

The bill reduces the maximum state contribution to $50 million from $75 million, but the most the program has cost to date is $56 million, so this is not much of a change.

The fundamental flaws in providing public dollars for private and sectarian schools remain. This program benefits schools that are allowed to discriminate against children with disabilities, with LGBTQ+ parents, or who are learning English as a Second Language. There is little oversight of the curriculum, governance and spending are not transparent, and annual reports on student progress in the program have not been provided. The only way to stop vouchers from funding discrimination is to end the program altogether.

LWV of Illinois is advocating to provide high quality FREE public education for all kids in their neighborhoods, and nothing we are advocating for prevents donors from continuing to support their chosen private school with direct donations to fund scholarships. We believe individual and corporate donors shouldn’t receive a huge state income tax credit for a charitable donation to private schools, while donations to other charities do not receive state tax credits.

League Position

The League opposes proposals that would provide public funds for private schools.

State funding levels should be sufficient to enable districts to provide for all students an education that meets both standards established by the State Board of Education and legislated mandates.