Publish the ERA Now

By Allyson Haut, President, LWV of Illinois

Fifty-one years ago, on March 22, the US Congress approved the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. The ERA was then sent to the states for ratification to ensure that all genders have the same rights and protections under the laws of our nation. Yet today, 51 years later, not only do we not have equality, but we continue to witness women’s rights being stripped away. We need the #ERANow!

Here in Illinois, State Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowtiz introduced a resolution affirming that the ERA has satisfied all constitutional requirements and is fully ratified. House Joint Resolution 20 (HJR20) calls on Congress to affirm the ratification of the ERA. 

Across the country, 12 state legislatures are considering similar resolutions and other legislation to protect gender equality. Watch Wednesday's press conference held by the ERA Coalition and a group of state legislators to uplift the work going on right now to protect gender equality. 

Profound thanks to these women for their strength and their continued insistence that all or us must be equal under the law. 

What can you do to ensure equality?  Commemorate this Women’s History Month with a simple action. Voice your demand for equality. Please.

Send an email or make a call to your state representative and ask them to co-sponsor Illinois HJR20. We have the power of our collective voice—let’s use it!  

Do it right now, help make the change that is so long overdue.