Illinois General Assembly is in session


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The 103rd Illinois General Assembly’s first session is underway and thousands of bills have been put forth in both the House and Senate.

Of those thousands, the LWV of Illinois will focus on bills that are aligned with our mission and positions. In particular, LWV of Illinois is working in coalition with other organizations in support of the following bills:

Education Funding

SB2006/HB2792 increases the minimum funding level for Illinois’ K-12 Evidence-Based Funding formula to $550 Million annually. See the fact sheet.

Equal Rights Amendment

HJR0020 – Affirms the Equal Rights Amendment, urges the Administration of President Biden to publish and certify ERA as the 28th Amendment and Congress to pass a joint resolution affirming the ERA as the 28th Amendment. Calls on other states to join in this action by passing the same or similar resolutions.

Housing Equity

HB1569/SB0242 – requires sealing a court file for an eviction if the case is dismissed, the tenant wins, etc.

HB2044/SB1737 – Build Illinois Homes Tax Credit Act, provides that owners of qualified low-income housing developments are eligible for credits against income taxes.

Juvenile Justice

HB2128 – Ends the automatic transfer of juvenile offenders to an adult court if they turn 18 before their case has been heard in a juvenile court.

HB2328 – Raises the age of pretrial detention to 14 years from 10 years.

HB2347 – Raises the age of incarceration to 14 years from 13 years.


SB90/HB2049Racism-Free Schools Act, introduced by Senator Laura Murphy and Representative Maurice West, to prevent and address racial harassment in schools. Representative West recently spoke about the bill during a session on racism in schools as part of the LWV of Illinois' annual Issues Briefing.

Voting Rights

HB2446 – Allows 16 year olds to pre-register to vote and be automatically registered when they become eligible to vote. Illinois law provides that 17 year olds can vote in a primary election providing they will be 18 at the time of the corresponding general election.

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