How to Be a Reproductive Justice Ally



With the repeal of Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey, Illinois became one of the only states in the midwest where abortion is safe and legal.

However, Governor Pritzker and the Illinois General Assembly Leadership recently decided to “convene a special session in the coming months.” This will give them the summer to assess needs and possible responses, so that Illinois can “play an even more vital role in standing up for reproductive freedom.”

LWVIL has long advocated in coalition with organizations working in this space: Planned Parenthood of Illinois, ACLU of Illinois, Illinois NOW, Midwest Access Coalition, Chicago Abortion Fund and others. Together, our advocacy helped make Illinois an abortion and reproductive healthcare leader. As coalition members, we are positioned to help advocate for and protect the rights we have, as soon as our support is needed.

What can we do as allies?

Step back and breathe.

Our federal right to reproductive healthcare will not be won back overnight. The reproductive justice landscape is shifting rapidly, and we need to let those who are leading this work have time to adjust and plan.

Be vocal about reproductive justice.

This can not be overstated. Contact your legislators on every level of government and tell them you want the strongest reproductive justice protections possible. Find your legislators.

Talk about reproductive justice with everyone you know and ask them to speak up as well. Attend local marches and rallies.

Find organizations to support.

Follow organizations such as Midwest Access Coalition, Chicago Abortion Fund, I Need An A on social media or learn about them through their websites.

These organizations have systems (and some funds) in place to help people in other states find care. They have a network of vetted counselors, caregivers and drivers trained to work with people in need of reproductive healthcare.

If you contact an organization working on reproductive justice to offer your support, remember that they are probably inundated with calls and might take awhile to respond. Right now, their primary concern is to provide continuous reproductive healthcare for those in need.

Watch for pending legislation.

We expect that Illinois lawmakers will move to expand licensing provisions as a way to increase service capacity (allowing physicians assistants and other providers to be licensed); strengthen licensing protections against claims from other states; and strengthen extradition and privacy protections for care-seekers.

Get out the vote.

This is where the League shines! Election day is four months away. Help voters find the information they need to vote their values.

Reproductive rights are safe in Illinois, but only as long as our elected officials safeguard them.

Voting rights and abortion rights are essential to a democracy where all people can participate equally.
Brennan Center for Justice