How to Be a Gun Violence Prevention Ally



Our hearts are with our fellow Leaguers and Illinoisans suffering from the trauma and grief of the tragedy on the Fourth of July. Read LWVIL’s statement.

In America today, it is painfully clear that every one of us could become the next random victim of gun violence. We are not free to gather, go to school, grocery shop, worship or walk down the street without fear. Every one of us must demand our right to be free from the reality of gun violence.

What can we do as allies?

Be vocal about stronger gun laws.

Contact your legislators at every level of government and tell them you want stronger gun laws in your state and in your country. Find your legislators.

Ban assault weapons in Illinois and the US.

Tell your Illinois state legislators you want them to support Illinois HB 5522, which would ban assault weapons as well as high-capacity magazines.

Contact your US legislators and let them know that you want a federal ban on assault weapons.

Strengthen FOID card regulations in Illinois.

Illinois residents must have a Firearms Owner Identification (FOID) card in order to legally possess a firearm, ammunition, stun or laser gun. These cards cost $10 and are valid for ten years.

There is no age limit for a FOID card, although applicants under 21 must be sponsored by a parent or guardian. Minors applying for FOID cards must be able to sign the application. If they are unable to sign, then a copy of their birth certificate must be provided.

Contact your Illinois state representative and tell them you want strengthened FOID card regulations, including stronger background checks for FOID applicants.

Increase public awareness of the Illinois Red Flag law.

What is commonly referred to as the Red Flag law, is the Illinois Firearm Restraining Order (FRO) law, enacted in 2019.

An FRO can temporarily prohibit ownership of guns by someone who is in danger of harming themselves or others. For people whose loved ones are a potential threat, an FRO might be lifesaving. No criminal charges are involved, and a crime doesn’t need to be committed for an FRO to be issued.

Help increase public awareness of this important law. Find information to share on the Speak for Safety website.

Find gun violence prevention organizations to support.

Follow gun violence prevention organizations such as Moms Demand Action, Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords Law Center, and March For Our Lives (the organization started by the student survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida).

Some gun violence prevention organizations are deeply involved in eradicating the root causes of violence. They advocate for things like community investment, violence intervention, and youth mentor programs. Follow the work of organizations like Institute for Nonviolence Chicago, Chicago CRED, and Communities Partnering 4 Peace.

Get out the vote.

This is where the League shines! Election day is four months away. Help voters find the information they need to vote their values.