April is Earth Month!


Celebrate the earth by using the environment button on Lobby Day April 24 and taking action around these bills:


SB100/HB2376 Polystyrene Reduction creates a path for eliminating polystyrene (foam) containers from the restaurant industry with reasonable expectations set for low-income businesses. HB2376 passed in the House and has crossed over to the Senate.

Carbon Capture

HB3119/SB2421 Carbon Capture and Storage offers protections for residents and landowners and eliminates eminent domain for CO2 pipelines and forced amalgamation of pore space in sequestration areas. This bill also includes funding for emergency response (and equipment) and public participation.

For background on carbon capture, check out the resources from our February LWVIL Issues Briefing 2023, including the session recording Carbon Capture and Sequestration: What is it and why should we be concerned? 

Environmental Justice

HB3595 Power Plant Demolition, Transparency, and Protection provides expanded public notice and participation requirements for power plant implosions, requires an Illinois EPA-approved Air Quality Plan, and establishes new fees for power plant demolitions in violation of these rules.