Amendment 1 Explained

Every Illinois voter will find a statewide ballot measure at the top of their ballot—voters are being asked to vote for or against Amendment 1, which would add to the Bill of Rights of the Illinois state constitution. Amendment 1 involves collective bargaining, and is sometimes referred to at the Worker’s Rights Amendment. 

The League of Women Voters of Illinois does not have a position on this ballot measure. The League only takes a position on an issue after extensive member study and consensus. These positions are the basis for the League’s advocacy. Further information on League positions can be found on the LWV of Illinois website

If passed, this amendment would make Illinois the first state in the country to ban laws that exempt workers from paying union dues. Because laws that exempt workers from paying union dues are sometimes called “right to work” laws, and Amendment 1 is often referred to as the Worker’s Rights Amendment, the information can be confusing. 

Voters are encouraged to research this issue. One source of information is the Illinois Secretary of State office's pamphlet explaining Amendment 1. As you explore additional sources, be mindful of bias, and be prepared to vote yes or no for Amendment 1.  

See the ballot measure when you check out your ballot at

VotingSophie Mucciaccio