Voting Is Our Right and Power

The Chicago Tribune recently published a Letter to the Editor by LWVIL President Allyson Haut. Read the letter below.

Letters: Voting is our right and power

Chicago Tribune • Oct 16, 2022 at 5:00 am

What’s the best way to make sure your voice is heard? Vote! Voting is your right and your power.

It is essential that every single eligible voter in every single community exercise their power. When? Right now. Early voting is available in every voting district in the state. Your polling place is open and waiting for you.

In Illinois, our right to vote is one of the best protected and most accessible in the country. We can vote early, to accommodate a variety of schedules; vote by mail, from the comfort of our home; register in person and vote on the same day; and vote with assistance.

By protecting our right to vote, our elected representatives have shown that they believe democracy is powered by the voices of voters, voices that are heard at the ballot box.

It is now up to each of us to show that we, too, believe in our democracy — by taking our power to the ballot box. Voting is how we will make lasting change.

Do you want someone in government to listen to you? Vote for someone who will.

Do you care about an issue? Passionately? Vote for someone who cares in the same way.

Environment, education, food security, health care, housing, jobs, racism, safety — listen to candidates tell you how they will tackle the issues that matter most to you. Then tell them what you think. Vote.

None of us can do this alone. Expand your power by motivating the people in your life to get out and vote. Our democracy depends on it.

Don’t wake up on Nov. 9, the day after Election Day, and wish that you had used your power. Use it today.


— Allyson Haut, president, League of Women Voters of Illinois, Chicago