See Your Candidates in an LWVIL Forum

A nonpartisan League forum is, in many ways, a job interview, where voters are able to see the job-seeker in action and decide whether or not they will vote to hire them. 

This election season, Illinois Leagues will host close to 50 forums around the state, many on Zoom and accessible to most people with internet access.

Local Leagues cover as many races as possible, inviting all candidates who appear on the ballot. Times and dates are negotiated, candidates agree to the League’s ground rules, League moderators are trained to maintain neutrality, and all candidates are given the same opportunity to answer questions from the public. The League format and League-trained moderators have successfully delivered nonpartisan candidate information to Illinois voters for decades. 

In situations where only one candidate is available, it is League policy not to hold a forum. The available candidate is allowed 2 minutes to make a position statement. For this reason, Leagues work hard to coordinate and accommodate schedules, choosing times and dates when incumbents are likely to be in town, and using Zoom platforms for additional flexibility. When schedules cannot be coordinated or candidates decline to participate in a forum, it is always a loss to Illinois voters. 

Watch a forum! Get an unfiltered look at those who are seeking the job of representing you. Find upcoming forums on the candidate forum page of the LWV of Illinois website. If you are unable to attend or wish to review a forum, recordings can be found in the Illinois Voter Guide and on the LWV of Illinois website.

The League never supports candidates or parties. The League supports voters.

Sophie Mucciaccio