Fiscal Policy
League Position
The League supports a diversified revenue system which principally relies on a combination of broad-based taxes and user fees, is equitable, progressive, stable, responsive and simple.
We support a progressive income tax with a graduated rate schedule. Until the Illinois Constitution is amended to allow graduated rates, the flat rate income tax should be made more progressive.
This summer, the League spoke out on clean energy, tax filing, reproductive rights and more.
The Illinois General Assembly adjourned last month, having missed an opportunity during an election year to address various reforms needed to protect the environment and government ethics. But to its credit, lawmakers passed over $1 billion in revenue increases to move the needle on creating economic opportunity for families most in need.
League members traveled to Springfield from all across the state to talk with their legislators and advocate in support of bills that promote economic and educational equity and protection of the environment.
Over the last few months, the League spoke out on environmental protection, mental health, gun violence prevention, and more.
Learn how Illinois can rise to the challenge of meeting the basic needs of a growing low-income population while also ensuring the safety and well-being of new arrivals by leveraging fiscal policy.
Last month, the League spoke out on environmental protection, criminal justice, and government transparency, and more.
Ask your state representative and state senator to support a Child Tax Credit in Illinois. Creating a $300 per child Child Tax Credit (CTC) is an immediate, meaningful way to directly support half of Illinois’ kids.
Last month, the League spoke out on mental health, gun violence prevention, criminal justice, conservation, and more.
Thank you to everyone who called their legislators and the governor and spoke up on behalf of these bills, which have now been signed into law.
Thanks in part to the advocacy of League members, important legislation supported by LWVIL was passed by both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly this term.
Join the LWV of Illinois online on Monday, April 24 to lobby for issues you believe in. Whether you have five minutes or two hours, you can take part!
Issue Specialists
Ann Courter
Coalition Partners
Illinois Cost of Living Refund Coalition
Responsible Budget Coalition