Success! League-supported legislation passes


Thanks in part to the advocacy of League members, important legislation supported by LWVIL was passed by both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly this term.

These bills have now been sent to Governor J.B. Pritzker. The governor has 60 days to sign bills into law. Any vetoed legislation is returned to the General Assembly.

To advocate for the governor to sign these bills, call 217-782-6830 or 217-782-6731 (for hearing impaired: 888-340-1009).

Voting Rights

SB2123 Election Omnibus Bill (Sent to governor June 7)

  • Young citizens will be able to pre-register to vote when they turn 16, with their registration held in abeyance until they reach voting age. 

  • Creates a task force to study ranked choice voting (we had hoped that the election system would be approved for municipalities with the appropriate equipment).

Reproductive Health

SB1909 Deceptive Practices Of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act(Sent to governor June 9)

  • Limited Services Pregnancy Centers are prohibited from engaging in deceptive acts or practices which mislead patients seeking abortions. 


SB58 Polystyrene Reduction (Sent to governor June 16)

  • State agencies and departments may not procure disposable food service containers that are composed in whole or in part from polystyrene foam (we had hoped the ban would extend to all retail establishments).


HB2789 Right to Read (Signed into law June 12)

  • Imposes fines for banning books.

SB90 Racism-Free Schools (Sent to governor June 22)

  • Requires school districts to adopt and communicate a policy on harassment based on race, color, or national origin, in addition to the existing requirement for sexual harassment policies.

Criminal Justice

SB1886 Fair Probation Drug Testing (Sent to governor June 16)

  • Eliminates drug testing fees.

HB1268 Fully Free Act (Sent to governor June 16)

  • Individuals who have been released from prison can serve as executors of a relative’s will. This eliminates a barrier to fully re-entering society after incarceration. 

HB1496 Implementing the Ban on Prison Gerrymandering (Signed into law June 9)

  • Ensures that Corrections records contain home addresses for people who are incarcerated so that they can vote in their home district.


HJR20 Affirm Equal Rights Amendment (Resolution adopted)

  • This resolution affirms that the Illinois Legislature believes requirements have been met for passing the Equal Rights Amendment. 


SB250 Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 (Signed into law June 7)

  • Evidence-based funding for Education was increased by $350 Million (we had hoped for more).

  • Invest in Kids was NOT in the budget, so it is possible that program, which uses public tax dollars to fund private schools, will be allowed to sunset in 2024.