Women’s (In)equality Day

Every year, the League celebrates Women's Equality Day on August 26, the day the 19th Amendment was added to the Constitution. Every year we celebrate our efforts and remember the day that suffrage for some women was only the first step on a path to equality for all women.

Not this year. This year it feels as though we have stepped back in time—to find ourselves only footsteps away from the beginning of the path we started on 102 years ago. 

This year many of us chose to commemorate August 26, 2022 as Women’s (In)equality Day. This year it was a day to remember and renew our commitment to what was started a century ago.

In 1920 the newly founded League of Women Voters Leaguers delivered their nonpartisan demands to both the Democratic and Republican national committees.

This year we joined voices with 35 women-run equal rights organizations to deliver our nonpartisan demands, in a full page ad in the Washington Post. 

  1. Pass voting rights

  2. Add the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution

  3. Restore reproductive freedoms

Because today women have fewer rights than we have had in decades. And we will NOT go back.