SCOTUS Recap 2024



Steven Schwinn, Professor of Law at the University of Illinois Chicago, joined us on September 11 to speak on major decisions made by the Supreme Court this summer—and the impact those decisions are likely to have on the future of the United States executive branch, the balance of powers, and democracy in general. Watch the event recording above to learn more!

About the Speaker


Steven D. Schwinn is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development at the University of Illinois Chicago. He teaches Constitutional Law, First Amendment, Comparative Constitutional Law and Human Rights, and Lawyering Skills.

Steve is founding editor-in-chief of the American Constitution Society Supreme Court Review and founding co-editor of the Constitutional Law Prof Blog. He regularly writes for the American Bar Association's Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases and is a frequent commenter on issues related to constitutional law and human rights.

Professor Schwinn earned his B.A. from Michigan State University and his J.D. from the American University Washington College of Law. He previously taught at the University of Maryland School of Law and George Washington University Law School. He practiced full time in the Office of the General Counsel at the Peace Corps.

Guest UserEvent Recording