Is the 2024 Election Free and Fair?


Is the 2024 presidential election free and fair? In short, yes. 

Despite some unusual twists and turns during this year’s presidential election, we can all rest assured that the US election system, and the rules governing how political parties select candidates for election, account for even unexpected and extraordinary situations like what we’ve all witnessed this summer.

Just as in any other election year, convention delegates will nominate a presidential and vice-presidential candidate from their respective parties according to its party’s rules. Those nominations will be accepted, ballots will be printed by the states, and citizens will vote.

Applying pre-determined party rules and procedures to unforeseen campaign circumstances is not what compromises elections. What compromises elections are deliberate attempts to keep voters from the polls, planting false or misleading information in the media or in campaign ads, or otherwise trying to manipulate the outcome of that election.

The notion of free and fair elections is core to the League’s purpose and values, and we will continue our focus on registering voters, getting out the vote, combatting misinformation and disinformation, and advocating for voters’ rights. Because in a free and fair election, that’s what really matters.

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