Action Alert: Abortion Provider Protections

July 1, 2022

Constituent contact makes a difference! Make calls and send emails no later than July 5.

  1. Urge your State Senator to support HB1464, which protects licenses of Illinois reproductive healthcare providers caring for out-of-state patients.

  2. Urge your State Senator and your State Representative to advocate for the following:

  • Protect anyone who provides assistance to reproductive health patients from actions taken by other states

  • Facilitate licensing of abortion providers coming to Illinois

  • Expand abortion care licensing to physician assistants and other qualified providers

Find your legislators.


On June 24, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade. The same day, Governor Pritzker announced he was calling the General Assembly back into an emergency session to address reproductive health. It is expected that HB1464 will be considered during the emergency session.

Although Illinois' Reproductive Health Act states that reproductive rights are fundamental rights in Illinois law, this does not ensure that healthcare providers and patients are protected from actions taken by other states.

HB1464 will protect healthcare providers licensed in Illinois from discipline if their license is disciplined or revoked by another state because they provided, authorized, or participated in any healthcare, medical service, or procedure related to abortion.

Members of the Illinois House of Representatives passed HB1464. Now the Senate needs to pass the bill.

League Position

The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that public policy in a pluralistic society must affirm the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices. Impact on Issues, page 56.

Delegates to the LWVUS 2022 Convention passed the following resolution: “Be it resolved that the LWVUS supports the rights of women and those who can become pregnant to self-determination related to, and including, but not limited to bodily autonomy, privacy, reproductive health, and lifestyle choice.”