Reproductive Healthcare

Let’s work together to protect abortion rights

SB1909, important reproductive healthcare legislation, is moving through the Illinois General Assembly. It passed in the Illinois Senate and will now cross over to the Illinois House, where it needs support.

Give it five minutes

Call or email your state representative: “I am contacting you on the League of Women Voters of Illinois Lobby Day to let you know that the League supports SB1909—and as your constituent, I want you to support it too. Help protect our reproductive rights! Please support SB1909.”

Give it more time

Activate your networks

Encourage friends to contact their state representatives by using these graphics for social media, emails, and texts.


Suggested copy:

Protect patients’ access to abortion and hold fake clinics accountable! Ask your state representative to support SB1909. Learn more: #LobbyDayLWVIL

Stop by your state representative’s HOME Office

Drop in! Without an appointment, you might not be able to see your representative on April 24, but you can drop off an information sheet, and maybe talk to a staffer.

What’s at stake: Learn about the bill


SB1909 Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act

SB1909 prohibits a limited services pregnancy center from engaging in unfair methods of competition or unfair or deceptive acts or practices: (1) to interfere with or prevent an individual from seeking to gain entry or access to a provider of abortion or emergency contraception; (2) to induce an individual to enter or access the limited services pregnancy center; (3) in advertising, soliciting, or otherwise offering pregnancy-related services; or (4) in conducting, providing, or performing pregnancy-related services. 

Background: Vulnerable state residents and nonresidents seeking healthcare have repeatedly been misled by organizations and their agents purporting to provide comprehensive reproductive healthcare services, but which, in reality, aim to dissuade pregnant persons from considering abortion care through deceptive, fraudulent, and misleading information and practices, without any regard for a  pregnant person’s concerns or circumstances. 

Protect patients’ access to abortion and hold fake clinics accountable

League Position: Governmental bodies must protect the citizen’s right to know. The League believes in the individual liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Individual rights now protected by the Constitution should not be weakened or abridged. Public policy in a pluralistic society must affirm the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.

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