Pretrial Fairness Act Briefing

The Pretrial Fairness Act ends money bail in Illinois on January 1, 2023. Learn the facts about this historic act during this briefing by:

How can you take action on this important law?

There is a lot of misinformation circulating about the Pretrial Fairness Act. Help make sure people have the facts. Share the recording and the resources below from our speakers.

Use this Action Network form to ask your legislators to support the strong implementation of the Pretrial Fairness Act. 


Key Accomplishments of the Pretrial Fairness Act—facts about the success rates of pretrial reform in Cook County and nationwide

Seven Essential Elements of the Pretrial Fairness Act (from

Dollars and Sense in Cook County—pretrial release is not associated with new criminal activity in Cook County

Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)—analysis of crime data, 2010-2019

Fact sheets from Cook County Public Defender’s Office:

Illinois Pretrial Fairness Act Fact Sheet

Protecting Pretrial Fairness in Illinois

Fact and Fiction: Illinois Historic Pretrial Fairness Act

Guest UserCriminal Justice