How to Talk to People Who Disagree With You Politically



On June 19, we were joined by Dr. Gina M. Masullo to discuss research-backed approaches for navigating digital spaces—and offline spaces—with people who disagree with you politically. Their talk provided tangible takeaways for us to apply in your own lives in order to be more open to other viewpoints without compromising our values. Watch the recording above.

This virtual event is part of a series of League webinars where noted authorities will speak on relevant topics leading up to the U.S. Presidential Election on Tuesday, November 5. Presented by LWVIL’s Misinformation and Disinformation Task Force, the series is part of an effort to provide tools and resources that educate voters.

About the Speaker

Gina M. Masullo (PhD., Syracuse University) is Associate Director of the Center for Media Engagement and an Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Media, both at The University of Texas at Austin, USA.

They are the author of Online Incivility and Public Debate: Nasty Talk and The New Town Hall: Why We Engage Personally with Politicians and co-editor of Scandal in a Digital Age. Their latest book, Midlife Sapphic Revelation in the Digital Age: How Digital Media Support Coming Out Late, will be published in 2025. They spent 20 years as a newspaper journalist before becoming a professor. Their research focuses on how the digital space both divides people and brings them together, with a particular emphasis on political polarization. Pronouns: They/she.