Biennium Report



President’s Overview

Executive Committee

Development Committee 

Finance Committee 


501(c)(3) Transition Committee

Human Resources Committee

Voter Service

Membership Committee

Communications Committee

Issues & Advocacy Committee

Criminal Justice Update

100th Anniversary Committee


Within an environment of collaboration and shared responsibility, our team was able to exceed all expectations. We evaluated and rebuilt the crucial infrastructure LWVIL needs for action. We put our hearts and minds together to power the mission to fully empower voters and defend democracy.    

Destined to be a challenging biennium, marked by a presidential election AND the census, it became even more challenging as we faced both the global pandemic that turned our in-person work on its head AND the unexpected departure of both our executive director and communications lead. 

As a team, we adapted quickly, we stepped up.  

Together with an amazing network of local Leagues and thousands of dedicated members, our mission was not interrupted. We took on the virtual world and we excelled—we empowered voters and protected democracy to the fullest. We registered, advocated and lobbied.  We were not deterred. 

As a state board, we also continued with the hard work of examining, exposing the deficiencies in our operations, and building a framework for future growth.  

I came into this role with a vision—a vision of our state League with a greater impact and reach, as the first thing people think of when they think “advocacy, civic engagement, social justice and voter empowerment.” To do this, we need to  amplify the voices and uplift the work of every local League.  

I became president determined to use all that I have and all that I can learn, to make LWVIL the powerhouse it MUST be in order to protect democracy today. 

For two years, I have led an incredibly talented team that has more than proven its dedication to the mission. This biennium report is a summary of the thousands of hours devoted to the League.  

This is your League at work.

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