How Illinois Ensures Election Security and Integrity Is Topic of March 6 LWVIL Webinar

Media Contacts:
Becky Simon, LWVIL President,
Anne Sullivan and Barb Laimins, LWVIL Misinformation and Disinformation Task Force Co-Chairs,


Chicago, IL (2/26/24) – Matt Dietrich, public information officer of the Illinois State Board of Elections (ISBE), will give a presentation on how Illinois ensures election security and integrity at a statewide meeting of the League of Women Voters of Illinois (LWVIL) via Zoom on Wednesday, March 6, at 7 p.m. This meeting is open to the public. To register, visit There is no cost to attend.

The event precedes the March 19 Presidential Primary and is the first of several webinars where noted authorities will speak on relevant topics leading up to the U.S. Presidential Election on Tuesday, November 5. Presented by the League’s newly-formed Mis- and Disinformation Task Force, the event is part of an effort to help Illinois voters identify misinformation and disinformation and prevent its spread.

“Protecting our democracy is not a partisan issue,” said Becky Simon, LWVIL president. “Misinformation and disinformation weaken all of our votes and voices.”

A major objective of the ISBE is to make election procedures uniform throughout the state so that every voter and every governmental unit has access to the same information and is subject to the same rules concerning election procedures.


Founded 104 years ago and headquartered in Chicago, the 3,700-member League of Women Voters of Illinois is a nonpartisan organization that works to protect free, fair and accessible elections, and increase civic engagement. The League endeavors to improve public understanding of major public policy issues and influence public policy through education and advocacy. For further information, visit

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